Sunday, September 23, 2012


Happy birthday to Victor and me!

Grace fabulously organised a crazy party for the Sept bdayers - Vic & me. The theme for the party (yes, we HAVE TO theme almost every party) was "童年" (childhood). 

So what do we remember about our childhood days?

I remember some bad clothes, some weird hair but most time, I think my mum (yup, I am blaming it all on her) did a good job... heng ah. So some of us put in quite a lot of effort into our "costumes" for the night. Some bought props, some did up their hair and most were dressed, well, childishly.  I was in my overalls, Hello Kitty hairclips (and no, it is not even a tad disturbing that I had all the clothes readily onhand) and I had my two doggies with my all night.
Besides a great parteee, Grace also hand-painted a pressie for me!
Coke foreva babe...
  It's our party and we will eat if we want to! 
Water-bottle, stylist's. Pigtails, model's!

Desmond and his uber cheap and cute penguin haversack!
I guess he will be using it to bring his iPad to work.
Chen Ann only had to get the Cars backpack and the water-bottle.
Yes, he had the bowtie liao.

Our childhood was also filled with simple but crazily addictive games like fishing, bubble blowing and small soldiers.  And all these, Grace had on hand to entertain us!
Goodies packed by Grace herself so all the "kiddies" went home with goodie bags.
Des & Val duking it out over the fishing game. Kids.
Food-wise, my fav sweet growing up was the fizzle candy and she actually had those - you know the ones where u eat the whole packet of candy crystals and set off mini fireworks in your mouth. There were also small crackers, ju-he and more. Amazingness how she managed to find all these in China. Wait... maybe I shouldn't have eaten so many of the fizzle candy... oops, sorry Mummy!

And of course, childhood in Singapore was also dominated by TV serials - SBC's golden age! So the  hostess with the mostess put on super old time SBC TV serials, which strangely can be found online. We all got a little creeped out by 迷离夜, amazed by Chen Li Ping's youthfulness (and small waist) in 早安老师!, and scratched our heads in a particularly cheem sequence in 三面夏娃.  Ahh.... memories. We were all in unanimous agreement that they just don't make TV shows like those anymore. 
The shows! The logo!
Nope, I dont remember any of these because I was too young to have been watching TV then.
And most importantly, I remember my birthdays being made up of fun friends, where doing nothing was a pleasure in itself.  But beyond their company, my cool friends managed to invite a rather scary "royal guest"! Look out for him later and try not to be freaked out.
Met new fun frens in Eugene and wife, Su Chen.
Anyway, the pictures say a thousand words. So let the party begin!

Will you be my friend?
I have Ribena

I bring you to the playground there?


Illegal dog-racing.

And then the creepy royal guest turns up! Thanks guys for flying him in all the way to China!
But next time no need ok?

To a great party, as always! This has to be one of my most memorable birthdays.  : )


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Take a walk with me

I've recently come to the realisation (or maybe admittance) that my life is a never-ending soundtrack. I have music to accompany most of my journeys and lyrics that resonate with me and whatever experiences that come my way.  

So for today's post, I invite my friends to take a listen to Fly Love by Jamie Foxx as you run through the post.  Take a "walk" with me in this beautiful city that I've made home for the past five months and unwittingly fell in love with.  It will give you an insight into how I lightly tread the streets of Shanghai and see the city through my eyes and ears.

So take a listen, Fly Love, my love song to Shanghai.

Wasn't really thinking, wasn't looking
Wasn't searching for an answer
In the moonlight when I saw your face

Saw you looking at me, saw you peeking out from under moon beams
Through the palm trees, swaying in the breeze

I know I'm feeling so much more than ever before
And so I'm giving more to you than I thought I could do

Don't know how it happened
Don't know why but you don't really need a reason
When the stars shine just to fall in love

Made to love each other, made to be together for a life time
In the sunshine flying in the sky

I know I'm feeling so much more than ever before

And so I'm giving more to you than I thought I could do
Now I know love is real so when sky high, as the angels try
Letting you and I, Fly Love


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Last Saturday Night

Taking inspiration from a Katy Perry song, last Saturday night was a blast. 

But before we get to the night, I spent some quality girl time with Eileen who as visiting from Beijing.  And what do girls do? Eat, shop, eat, shop!!! 

Started off with Cha, a HK cha chan teng decked out in 70s memorabilia. It is a common perception that the Chinese are very loud, but that lunch proved otherwise. We had to share a booth with a Chinese couple who sat opposite us with perpetual shocked/amused/scared expressions throughout their meal. They didn't utter a single word while we steamrolled through our meal with non stop chatter and cackling.they left the table very quickly ha ha... 


After hanging out at Sinan Lu for a while, I convinced her to visit a vintage shop at Yongfu Lu with me. And boy was it a fab shop. When I grow up, I want to own a shop like this. The thing about Shanghai is that you find funky shops in the unlikeliest of places and in the French Concession, these shops are often located along sidewalks, with either a garden inside or with a huge glass display. The shops are usually airy, flooded with natural light and the wares are interesting and great for lazy exploration. Lo Lo Love Vintage is exactly this kind of place. Despite my vow not to shop (after receiving my astounding 44 boxes of stuff), I had to buy a dress and a top. They were calling out to me la and more importantly, both cost me only S$80. Would have been a sin not to buy right? 


Yeah they do serve tea. One day soon I will be bacccckkk..

Brooches! My fav accessory but I resisted. So proud of me.

We kept going and kept exploring and kept stumbling onto/into shops that were quaint and interesting.

I will take every pair except the one with the blue stripes.

After saying bye to Eileen, I actually thought, Wah, this Sat has been fun! And I am ready for a quick dinner and retire for the day. 

Boy was I so wrong.

The evening was a totally different, unexpected kind of fun - the best kind I guess.  Asked the bunch for dinner, specifically non-Asian and after many false starts (Indian cuisine, Yunnan - which part of non-Asian wasnt clear??, and Macs - ok, I confess, it was super appealing), we ended up at Apartment on Yongfu Lu. It was a balmy night (always wanted to use this phrase!) and we did dinner al fresco.  Don't remember much of the food, but only remembered we had a huge pitcher of sangria and that the night was just so...shiok. It was cool, the moon was out, company was great and the terrace only let in beautiful people (us included of course ) - it was like we were meant to be in that place at that time, stars and weather aligned kind of moment. 

Post- dinner, we headed to a cocktail bar helmed by cool Japanese bartenders. Fun cocktails, sorta like #28 Hong Kong Street back home. I had an Earl Grey Martini - remind me I'm not grown up enough for a martini in future please.  Anyway at this point, it was quite clear we were all itching for a good party so party we did. Headed back to the Apartment but not before stopping by a mobile drinks cart by the roadside. Yes, by the roadside. We have the drink cheap drinks till high at 7-11 practice in Singapore.  In Shanghai, I guess you have the drink cheap drinks till high by roadside. The 'bartenders' were young chaps who allegedly worked in a liquor company by day and er, tend their bar by night.  One of them did do a mean toss with the Smirnoff bottle - good enough for me.  Anyway we were sold when we heard 20 per drink. So I had a vodka orange and on hindsight, I would pinpoint this as the official start of the partay....

Only belatedly did we consider the possibility that the drinks could be fake. Oh well...
The two owners had their own sound system and they were playing some lame songs so we plugged in my phone and started shimmying to Moves like Jagger, Superbass and some Kate Perry, all while trying to call out to passersby to buy a drink for 20 .  (Did I mention this was by the roadside?) I think only Mings managed to get some folks interested. Another bunch of glamazons looked at us like we were nuts.  I forget to mention - there was a group of ang mohs also drinking from the cart but they acted like they were in a cocktail bar (holding plastic cups - seriously?). Think they were horrified by our random dancing. Pfft... And then we noticed there were policemen opposite us.. Not so pfft.. Ha ha...

Final destination was back at the Apartment. I dont really remember much of what happened but I do have very specific recollections which cannot be mention on the PUBLIC blog. But suffice to say someone's physical trainer got the scare of his life when he woke up, someone was skanky enough to get a huge smacker and another person has some random person on the phone list now.   Finally left at 3am, and we stood/sat/squatted by our apartment (as in the ones we live in) roadside laughing our heads off at dunno what. Before we parted, we did promise to do this again every weekened. I think we over-promised la, but ok sure! 

Leaving thist post with the Katy Perry song which actually depicts our night very aptly. Heh..

There's a stranger in my bed,
There's a pounding my head
Glitter all over the room
Pink flamingos in the pool
I smell like a minibar
DJ's passed out in the yard
Barbie's on the barbeque

There's a hickie or a bruise
Pictures of last night
Ended up online
I'm screwed
Oh well
It's a black top blur
But I'm pretty sure it ruled

Last Friday night
Yeah we danced on tabletops
And we took too many shots
Think we kissed but I forgot

Last Friday night
Yeah we maxed our credit cards
And got kicked out of the bar
So we hit the boulevard

Last Friday night
We went streaking in the park
Skinny dipping in the dark
Then had a menage a trois
Last Friday night
Yeah I think we broke the law
Always say we're gonna stop-op

This Friday night
Do it all again
This Friday night
Do it all again

So same time, same place next week?

Of course I will wear something under this.