Monday, August 27, 2012

The Empress' New Clothes

My shipment finally arrived in Shanghai FOUR whole months after I moved here. So what have I been wearing you ask? The same swan tee-shirt for casual outings and the same old dresses for work trips (a CK green silk one, a MBMJ pink printed one, a blue Zara one - yah, I can't go for longer than 3 days kind of work trips) and the same shoes (a pair of Ferra flats and a pair of black Peddar kitten heels that I wore out and had to throw away recently...sobs).  And no, this DOES NOT prove I can actually live on very little (as Edwin likes to point out).  In fact, what it proves is that I have a very high tolerance for suffering fashion-wise and silk dresses can take a number of dry-washes.

Before & After - Ahhh... my life is cluttered and complete again...

My stuff came in a total of 44 boxes.  And again, no, it isn't a lot, considering that they consist of my whole life (and some of Edwin's). Ok, maybe not my WHOLE LIFE entirely cos I still have clothes in Tampines, oh, and some shoes and bags. And I do have a few boxes of stuff in storage in Singapore still... ok this is a losing argument against myself. But whatever the case, it was a super pleasant surprise to find some of the fabulous dresses (many new!), the zillion shoes (finally filled up the empty shoe cabinet!) ... 
So glad I didn't waste a single bit of space!
my breakfast beverages (which are gonna expire by Dec so I am a heavy milo-drinker now, downing two packs a day)...
Me low on milo? Never!
and my old friends!
Meet the Labbits and their friends
I was so estatic about the stuff being in and my house finally looking more like my home, I invited the folks over for a "PJ Party" and here are the photos to show for it.
Cute mummy & son duo: Pin Fen & Gavin in his Angry Birds PJs

Chen Ann and his very decent and newish PJs

Mings & Jas, all ready for bed
The fabs couple - Grace & Vic - who accessorised just outside my door and
maybe frightened my neighbour while they were at it.
Shermaine in winter PJs, having pizza, the only food
at PJ parties, according to American sitcoms.

Mings and Val having a heated discussion outside my door.
Think it was about who ditched who at the reception and who got strange stares walking over.

   And finally, me and Neo! Front & back matchy matchy!   
I can't believe the amount of effort the folks put into the party - some bought new PJs, some brought bedroom accessories and all brave souls who WALKED over to my place from different buildings in their PJs. How cool ah? We partied real hard (eating pizza and watching The Dictator), so...

Ohh... Only in my dreams... As real as it may beeeee....


  1. 44???? i think we both had 9 in total lor!! pj party looked fun!! :) - bao

  2. Did you not read the post?? It is EVERYTHING in my life! ha ha...
    And ya, wish you were here at the PJ partay!
