Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Summer Weekend Warrior

Summer is coming to an end soon, or so the folks here like to remind me everytime the temperature dips like 0.5 degrees. For many many reasons, I prefer summers, and everything they represent:
1. I am a hot-weather person - Singaporean through and through. Aircon? Pfft. Wind through open windows and doors is best for sleeping. And I totally don't mind waking up to perspiring in bed.
2. Perspiring makes me feel like I am losing weight. By the litres.
3. I have too many summer clothes!! Shorts, tees, tanks, sandals, flats - what am I gonna do with them in winter??! I will have to layer 50 pieces just to stay alive.
4. I have too many summer clothes II. I need to show off the newly arrived carton of clothes. And since I am perspiring like siao, it means I can do many changes of clothes.
5. The trees are greener, the grass is luscious, the flowers bloom in a riot of colours, the birds chirp, the crickets err.. crick.. - you get the idea. Life is just funner in summer.
6. There are sooooo many songs about summer to dance crazily to at home. Belinda Carlisle's Summer Rain, Grease' Summer Nights,Gershwin's Summertime and so on... Are there any songs about winter? I don't think so!

In the spirit of living life to the fullest while it's still great summer weather, the recent weekend saw me in weekend warrior mode. In chronological order of my "hiyak.. hoo ha!" weekend:

12:35pm Brunch at Dakota with Neo-neo who was visiting from Bonn/Hong Kong 
Alfresco the French way, facing the street.

Eggs ben done fabulously

 1:35pm Visit to, a funky multi-label boutique hidden along 五原路
They stock Aijek, a Singaporean brand too. So good to see great-looking Singaporean clothes.
1:55pm Browse cool shops along五原路

2:30pm Meet an old secondary school friend, WanJun, who is also working in Shanghai for coffee at SunFlour, 安福路

4:30pm Bicycle shopping (!!) with Chen Ann and Shermaine, followed by a nerve-racking 40-min ride back home.
And this is my chosen ride. What a babe - the bike I mean.
7:30pm PJ Party in my newly cluttered home (see previous post)

11:30am Bike over to Dreams Flea Market where a few of the folks are selling their stuff and works
Funky brooches by Grace. What does 萌mean? Have to buy one to find out!
Helpful assistants we tried to be

3:30pm Grocery shopping in preparation for "Penang Night" dinner later this same night

4:30pm Swim 25 laps in pool in bid to cool down

5:30pm Make way to Jas' home to prep for "Penang Night"

7:30pm Settle down to dinner
Chicken curry in the making...
All homemade - nasi lemak, assam prawns, curry chap chye,
lor bak, curry chicken, satay, her peow soup and for dessert, ice kachang!
10:00pm Bike back home...

A packed-to-the-brim weekend - totally pooped, burnt from the sun, knees hurt from the cycling, but exactly my kind of summer fun.

Need a good shave for summer you say?

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