Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hol #1: Seoul, Korea

Documenting my (hopefully) many many holidays while I am out here! Took the first one to Seoul last week with Edwin and it was as shiok as the first, second and third time I went there. Flights from Shanghai cost around S$400 and it took a very brief 2 hrs.

So in Seoul, there are just a few things that one must do... SSSeoul:
1. Sip cuppas in any of the many many coffee cafes. We were in Itaewon when we chanced upon this remodeled house that has been converted into a vintage (love!) shop cum cafe. So we did a sit-around and lobo-ed away.  The place is owned by cool kids who clearly have rich parents. But they did the place in such a way that it feels like you're walking into some ah-ma's well-kept house, complete with clothes hanging on the plants in the garden, waiting to be air-dried.

 2. Shop till pok kai! Usually with the girls, we hit Dongdaemun and we spend hours in that one mall (Miglore I think). But this time, we went to apm & doota - both of which yielded pretty finds. Of course, I also had to make the mandatory stop at Ms Kim's in Garosugil.  I was pretty restrained this trip because I was with Edwin - after 9 years, I still find the need to keep up with appearances that I am a good wife who's responsible with the purse! Heh....

3. Slurp till pid. And eat we did - from bbq to budaejijae to kimchi stew to more bbq.  Found this budaejijae shop after walking around Myeong Dong for some time. Ultra song.
Erm, ok la, so that's not really food but its the famouse ice cream from Myeong Dong, so that counts for something??

4.  Selebrate. Ok I can't find a word starting with "S" but you get the idea. Yay!  

Carrroottsss.... giveee usss carrroottsss

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