Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cheers to a new life!

So I'm 1.5 months into the new role and life in China and I've decided I should get started on this blog thing. Why? Because I have an incredibly short memory and this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing that I think I should try not to forget. And in my past 1.5 months in China, I've already seen a 100 new and interesting - some warped, some off, some downright gross, but most rather cool - things and places. It would be a pity if I forget all these after my 3 years here (including the gross stuff).

To start things off, here's one of the most beautiful places in China - Hangzhou's West Lake. Many a ode has been paid to this place, and it is home of one of the greatest poets/statesman during the Song dynasty, Su Dongpo. It is also home to Ji Gong (the nutty monk who ate meat), Xi Shi (one of the 4 great  ancient Chinese beauties - I love her name the most!) and the story of Zhu Yingtai and Liang Sanbo, the starcrossed lovers who turned into butterflies to be together forever. How not to be enamoured by this place? It is my third time here and each time I fall a little more in love with this place.  The guide went on and on about how some of the phrases and idioms came about because of this place and its history. That's partly why I am now determined to make the most of my time here (maybe read the Dream of the Red Chambers in Chinese!) and learn more about the culture of this place! 

There is a lot more to share about the past 1.5 months so I'm gonna take my time putting them up. Let's see how long I can tahan ah! Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. Me much love Hangzhou too. Looking forward to reading more of your china adventures! - Qiu
